
Antonio Cevallos - performer, violin technique wizard, pet dad, foodie

Amy Harris - performer, pushy teacher, spinto soprano, podcast aficionado, weight-lifter

Zachariah Matteson - Poet, Bartender, Violinist, Favorite phrase = “In Russia…(insert favorite anecdote about how cold it was)

Nick Montopoli - writes music for stage/screen/studio, performer and tinkerer on many instruments

Leigh Wallenhaupt - lover of color, game night nerd, Disney adult, jetsetter, pet mom

Abi (Shiman) Bellorín* - performer, teacher, Suzuki expert, (cat) mama

Ben Kronk - violinist, entrepreneur, educator, loves a good coffee/taco combo 

Camille Schiess - performer, teacher, song writer, loves to draw, beach positive


Luis Eduardo Bellorín* - performer, teacher, mustache aficionado, video host

Rohan Joshi - performer, teacher, coffee-addicted, greyhound lover

Karl Mitze - creator, friend of all dogs, baseball fan, board game lover

Michael Zahlit - performer, teacher, Austin FC enthusiast, proud dad of a wiener dog


Liz Lee - performer, teacher, tennis player, crafter, acupuncturist, food lover

Geoff Manyin - whisk(e)y lover, vegan food acolyte, gamer, night owl

Ilia De La Rosa - performer, loves to dance, swimmer, painter, foodie

Anna Park - cellist, plant enthusiast, dog lover


Andrea Beyer* - performer, teacher, world wanderer, adventurous eater, pup parent

Dana Wygmans - performer, orchestra and private teacher, song writer, cat mom


Vee Williams - Opera Singer, songwriter

Julie Slim - Lebanese-Palestinan-American singer, songwriter, and recording artist

Artistic Contributors

James Parker* - sound artist, composer, non-profit bartender, bandoneon

Kate Murray, Curator - AKA Unfine Arts, experience designer, lowercase a artist, halloween obsessed human mom

Isaac Fuentes, Programming Team - performer, teacher, fashion designer, dad

promqueen, Program Contributor - multidisciplinary artist and advocate for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community

Matthew Stoner, Guide - co-founder and facilitator of hyde park storytelling

Donna B Yancey, Lighting Design - lighting designer, cat person, freelancer

Clairissa Simmons, Maker - co-founder of community space Make at Rosie

(*) co-founder of Austin Unconducted